Update: Well, UMA admited that it wasn’t Pink and called off the invasion. Normally I would advance into their nation, however they did have a point about RPF’s history. RPF did openly attack UMA in the past. Because of this I want to make this up to UMA by not sending the Walrus Union to counter-invade. I hope all the Walrus Union Leaders can understand. And I am sorry if any of them wanted to advance.


We know a thing about contrition, because we have enough to spare. We accept your apology openly.  I do not personally support any annexation of your lands, however if the other Walrus Union members out-number me in this favor I will be forced to send troops. I hope you can understand.



Where: Walrus

When: Thursday, December 3rd

 7:00 EST

6:00 Central

5:00 Mountain

3:00 PST

11:00 UK

Who: Us, the Walrus Union, and everyone that is willing to help us.

Uniform: YELLOW Every army that wants to help the Walrus Union or in the Walrus Union has to wear yellow so that we  don’t get recruits attacking eachother and our recruiting is bigger.

NOTE: The UMA site says the invasion is December 4th and Thursday even though Thursday isn’t the 4th. I went on their chat and asked and they said Thursday so we will recongnize it as a date error and count the invasion to be Thursday.

Crazyboy86 Edit: Oh, yes, I quit.

4 responses to “DEFENCE OF WALRUS TIMES (UMA Calls-off Invasion)

  1. Pink was a fake the invasion is called off UMA is sorry. Also harv said to give you guys this muffin basket

  2. Sorry but I can’t make it.

  3. spongebob007

    Ahh Long time no seeee..

  4. It was a sweet war……. i mean defence!

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