Author Archives: emperer

WALRUS UNION UNDER DIRECT ATTACK|Team Gold Accepted Into Walrus Union

Recently, Club Penguin legend Pink Mafias has returned to Club Penguin. Now this is all nice and fine but they’ve turned around and decided to attack Walrus. This is because over 2 years ago RPF was formed by rebelling against UMA. Pink doesn’t seem to understand that an army changes and that there are now new people in RPF, almost all not involved in the rebellion and are unclear if they would’ve supported it.

But whatever, UMA wants to brawl with one of the strongest alliances in CP, that’s there business.

Now, I want all the Walrus Union leaders to watch the UMA site carefully for times of battles. I also want to talk to them one on one in a PC about how to deal with this swiftly and gracefully.


Team Gold has also been recently added to the Walrus Union. Normally a vote would’ve been taken but with the UMA threat I think all leaders can agree that we should accept them into our alliance rather than try to fight them.

If any of the leaders do have a problem I want them to tell me it in a PC so I can explain to them why this is necessary.


Team Gold Siguation

Many of you have heard about Team Gold negativly or positivly. But I Team Gold has suggested a third option for us. I will talk about the different options positivly, I want the Walrus Union leaders to vote on what they think we should do.

Declare War:

Team Gold is just a medium/small army. We can easily bring the whole Walrus Union on them and crush them. We can have 3+ armies on Walrus in the first battle and, without much trouble, swarm them with so many men they couldn’t pray for victory.

Doing Nothing:

We can’t risk any acts. We should just continue to live in unity with them peacefully and forget this whole thing ever happened. Think about it:

Declare War: We risk losing. If we lose then we could lose everything. Again.

Letting Them Join: If we do that other armies might want to do that too. Soon we’ll be so big we can’t communcate well and our alliance will fall apart.

We can’t have either thing happen, it would be crazy to do anything.

Letting Them Join:

Declaring war and doing nothing are terrible options. Declaring war we coudl lose, and doing nothing could lead to them over-powering us for the full server control later.

By letting them join our alliance will get more powerful. And more powerful is better. We could expand into other servers, we have more options then Walrus. Besides, armies like UMA are going to get bigger again and if they join we have an even safer country. You never know when these new rising armies could turn around and demand ours, or our allies land.

I hope these points will help people decide what they want. If you have another point comment it so that everyone can know what it is. I want a fair vote here.

RPF Finishes Forums|Walrus Union Under Threat

Yes, RPF has finished the communication goals it set out to have when Operation Still Alive was launched. We can now talk inactively with a wide variety of options on mass communication. I wont get into much detail yet, but if you want to get on the forums they’re at .


Yes, the Walrus Union is under threat from the “noob army” Team Gold.

Their site is and they claim Walrus as their server. I don’t know about the TAGP and MFW leader(s) but I for one will not stand for this. I want the Walrus Union to bring its full might against these problems if they do not retreat all personal militaristic/political positions from the server imediatly. I would like the Walrus Union leaders to comment how they think we should handle this.


Walrus Union|Recruiting Made Possible|Hit Machine Fixed

The Walrus Union is now in full-fledged motion. MFW and TAGP have both agreed to the deal and now Walrus is a near impenetrable server. However, I would not dare risk a conflict causing any problems, so let me verify it:

Conflict: TAGP/CPC(Club Penguin Clones) War

Started by: TAGP

Reason: Activeness/Servers

Solution: TAGP can continue the war and if they drastically need help the rest of the Walrus Union can be called in. This way MFW doesn’t have to go to war if they don’t want to, TAGP is safe, and TAGP gets to continue the war as long as they want.

I hope everyone can agree on that solution.


Yes, recruiting is now possible in RPF.

Through a long boring hour of looking up search terms, I found one. By searching ‘ Karakoran Club Penguin ‘ new recruits will be able to find the site. However if they consider it to be a spelling error and hit Karakoram then they will not find the site.

This is not the perfect form of recruiting, but it’s the best we have so far.


The long awaited Hit Machine has been recently fixed by the prominent RPF member, Amitc87.

It works perfectly, but if your on the site you must log out before using it or your hits will not count.

It can be found here or .

Please use it, it will help our search status greatly.


If at First You Don’t Succed, You Fail (3 items below)

Coff:  Can I be an admin and main owner? 😦 Im just asking. (EDIT: No because I forgot the main pass, but you can be an admin.)


Update 2: I’m on a roll. But anyway, I have a proposition for the armies MFW and TAGP.

Due to the lack of luck the RPF has been having, we find ourselves quite lonely, after all, what good is a nation with no allies? We want you two to be our allies. But wait, there’s more. We don’t will this to be one of those half ass alliances. We want this to be official. We want you to join a Walrus Union with us.  Of course, this would mean some commitment, but the fruits of our alliance will be sweat, RPF can promise this. Stay true it and feast in the rewards.

However, we must as for a favor from TAGP or MFW. There is a war between TAGP and the Club Penguin Clones.

TAGP, you have nothing to gain from pillaging them. If you need a server, simply end the war so that we can give you Walrus. After all, union members get to use the server as if everyone owned it.

MFW, you have nothing to worry in this war. Bah, 3 armies vs. 1. I’m sure everyone knows how this will turn out. You may even get another server if you do help.

RPF is fine with either juristiction.

This idea was:

Started by: Arod

Made possible by: Spongie

Upgraded by: Me

Approved by: Me


Update: RPF has recently received Ice Pond as a dying wish from BJ. We will remember BJ by giving them 1% of the server. But this generous gift will have effect on the city Walrus. I don’t know fully yet, or even if, but it probably will.

Well, I’m back from Pheonix. I saw all these lights at a park and some overdramatic trees playing some song I don’t know and giving people headaches by flashing randomly.

But anyway, back to bussinesss. We’ll be needing hits (lots of them) so we’re going to have to go to war with someone. Preferably starting a flame war with them.

However, to ensure the protection of our servers, we will be teaming up with another army, deciding on an alliance color (no we will not have uniforms for simplisity purposes), and attacking the enemy with full-force.

We will not take a liking to the escalation of this war, and discourage other armies from helping the test-army for their own safty and the safty of others.


If you didn’t see my update on the post below. We will not be invading White Out because it turns out ACP owns it and we don’t have any political/militeristic/religious/technological/recruiting power as of now.


Operation Still Alive:

Still Alive will be a project in which we experiment with the following technologies:

1) First Person Shooters

2) Advanced Bot Tech (If we can get approval from some form of alliance in CP, though I doubt we will given people hate this stuff for obious reasons)

3) Hit Farming Programs

4) Tactics

5) Communication

6) Sites

7) Video Brodcast

8) Picture Brodcast

9) An Adventure Game (Say, like Pokemon, only better)

10) Lotteries

11) Propaganda

We will be starting government programs to aid these most important ideologies. I will personally help the doing of all of them with or without approval from other armies(with the exception of #2, because chances we may get brutaly invaded if other armeis don’t enjoy bots)

But that’s all I really had to say, so I guess that just about clears it.


“This was a Triumph…”

Update: We’re not invading White Out because we’d have to attack ACP and I don’t think ANYONE is dumb enough to do that.

We sorta of have our capital, Summit, and Walrus. But of course, if we could get those 3 servers so easily why not get more of our land back.

By those grounds, I declare my intention to presue the annexation of White Out. However, I do not really know, nor feel like searching, for the owner of the server. So if you own White Out write down the army name in the comment section below, judging by the size of the army we will determin whether or not we will invade it. If no one responds we will declare it an empty server or held by an idle army and consider it fair game.

All armies that respond to the owning of White Out are encouraged to consider the abolishment of White Out from their nation/empire. RPF also has no intrest in keeping other servers from armies that do own White Out unless they belonged to the former RPF nation, we do not want to conquer other servers from any White Out owning armies but will do so if they resist the offer.

However, we will not being annexing White Out this weekend because I have to leave for Pheonix so I wont be on. The RPF commander for the time will be Coff. He is granted the following powers for my absense:

1) The right to declare war on army that attacks us first.

2) The right to schedule Practice Battles and Recruiting Seasons.

3) Normal mod and owner powers on chat.

4) The right to suspend soldiers.

5) The right to take any free servers, from allies or enemies alike, as long as it does not require us going to war or making general comitment.

6) The right to put down any citizens or noob armies that are activly going on our servers.

7) The right of an author.

8) The right to represent RPF at any council meetings, but only at a neutral stand-point.

In the event Coff is not on, Klim shall take control of all of those powers.

If Klim is not on Crazy will take control of the powers.

If none of them are on then we’re screwed.


Response to the MFW’s “Victory Post” (RPF won btw)

EDIT #2: We will agree to the comments from the MFW Officials preposing that inturn for calling the battle a draw and either way giving Icicle to the MFW that we can have Walrus. If they also give concent to the consept we will delete this post.


To RPF: you didnt win[Nuh-uh]. You said no allies and you brought ACP[Pics or it didn’t happen]. You obviously fail as an army and many agree you should give up[Many as in, the MFW commanders?].You didn’t win[You already said that] and no pics didn’t happen doesn’t mean anything unless theres no pics of the battle so it didn’t happen[Wait, so your saying that ‘Pics or it Didn’t Happen’ is alleged because then you can’t prove the battle didn’t happen? You already admitted that the battle happened, and you admitted that we were bigger, which is the criteria for victory. In languence terms, we kicked your ass, pics or no pics. I just want a pic of us trying to cheat.]. You suck[I beg to differ]. Yours with no respect at all, ObiWan4321.

Aloha guyz[*guys]!!! Well I am sorta disappointed that most of you didn’t show up[They were scared of us], but that doesn’t matter because RPF broke their own rule[Doubt it.]. They brought ACP even though we didn’t bring an ally except after they got ACP[They have an old saying down at eRep, Pics or Didn’t Happen.]. In tactics we won[Tactics? No, no, no, you meaning charging randomly like a crazed bird yelling half-ass jokes.], insize they won[No, we won all around.], but really RPF had 11 on CP and 6 on chat (cheaters[*recruiters | Fixed]). So good job to the people who came . Stay tuned for more info and don’t forget Defence of Icile tomorrow against the CPL! 8)

As you can see, almost all of the MFW’s excuses are invalid. And because MFW is basicly just pointing figures in a desperate attempt to cover up their emberising loss to an army that is regarded as puny, they forgot that RPF demands pics when we are acused of something. Because no pics are ever rarly delived… There’s just no backing up the preposterous insults that our enemies accuse us of committing.

Until pics are delivered infavor of RPF calling in ACP or an the RPF commander or ACP commander confess to calling in allies, we are forced to judge that RPF did not call in ACP, that all arguements suggesting that RPF called in ACP are influmations, RPF’s excess was mearly recruits on CP, and that MFW themselves broke the rules by calling in allies.


“Our Greatest Glory is Not in Never Falling, But Rising Everytime We Fall”

EDIT: If there is one thing that shall be remembered while I am in office it shall be that small armies are the middle class that supports Club Penguin Armies.  I am reminded of a quote from Stalin, “The death of one man, a tragity. The death of a million, static.” When I see a major army fall to its doom, I feel tainted when I remember the history that has just been killed, but I somehow always, ALWAYS seem to forget that there are ATLEAST 50 small armies being knocked around and ignored like they’re bugs in a vast mansion.

RPF now is a mear shadow of its past. We’re in a worse state than the man in Viva La Vida. (If you don’t know the song search it on YouTube or something.) We used to not be this way. We used to be the largest army in CP. I needent remind you of how that ended(most likly because I’ll get it wrong). But now, we are smaller. MUCH smaller. And only now, in our poverty do I relize what jerks we, RPF and Major Armies, have been and in the case of Major Armies, still are. We throw around small armies like our personal punching-bags, when they themselves suffer more than 10 men put together should.

But what exactly has our attitude been to them? Much like a line in the End Credit Song in Portal it’s, “When I look out there it makes me glad I’m not you.” (Again, if you don’t know the song look it up.) But now, we ARE them. We’re still alive, but only by our nails in the rope of hope that hangs from the huge cliff, upon which the top 10 have tea-parties. And below us is the pit of history. In which the victors write the horrid stories about the losers. And across from us, we see the never ending lines of rows, and rows of small armies, hands red from trying to hold on, falling, climbing.

Today, 11.14.09, I, God Emperor of RPF feel powerless. Does my opinion really matter? Will all of my writings ever be read by understanding eyes? Or will they be thrown in the darkest pits of Taturus to be forgotten for ever more. I feel as though all is lost. Even RPF’s supposed, “greatest ally” ACP doesn’t seem to care about us. Not even bothering to update the link on their ad and mabye even having negitive impacts on our recruits, them thinking we’re dead. Our hits are low, our numbers are lower. The dark sea of doom prepares to launch another wave of terror out from its endless deaths to drag us into its own turf and be eatten by the sharks of the “superiors”. 

If we, all small armies do not act soon, then we will not ever become more than slaves to the massive power blocks that will rule over us. We must act, or risk losing it all. If you own a small army, I urge you to help. Mabye you think that your back is covered by a wall from a major army ally. But is it? Is that wall straw or concret? How can you be sure? We can promise a safer plan. But you must help us creat this plan. We must unite. Now read my other speech.

The times of old have left us.

Small armies have been left powerless.

All peaceful athority has been crippled.

We can do nothing to stop the warmongerers now.

Us small armies (yes, I’m admitting RPF is a small army) having nothing left. Pride? None, to even act like you like your army in the slightest means death. Men? None, which makes sense. Servers? A few of us have one or two, but we have no sure defences and our other servers are owned by armies in the Top 10.

We have no rights that should be ours. We should be the largest(in numbers) status in Club Penguin. We should be able to make a difference together. But we cannot.

Do you know why?

Because we have nothing to act with. All has been taken by the major armies. Specificly the Top 5.

The time has come, when peace and order have dicipated, and I can justly think to myself about the top 5, “Wow, that army is really going up. I wonder who they screwed to do that.” Then look through archives and find that sure enough, they killed an army.

(Now let me be clear about this. I am in no way saying that RPF has not had its full share of invasions, but if we had wanted to, we could’ve made things a hell of a lot more bloody when we were large.)

I am reminded of a quote from GLaDOS, the main bad-guy in Portal, it goes, “This isn’t courage, it’s murder. What did I ever do to you?” Aside from that GLaDOS had no business making that statement, it explains what is happening now. Major armies claim to have just reasons for invasions, when it’s really murder with no reason what-so-ever.

Take CPC for example. I’m not saying they didn’t deserve to be invaded. I’m saying they didn’t deserve to have the combined weight of practicly every major army in exsistance thrown at them, while being hammered with propaganda left and right so much that they lost all hope and were probably stressed to their last nerve? Did they deserve to die?

After seeing CPC take huge hits, I thought to myself, “How long will it be before I’m attacked like this? How long until my friends suffer this fate?” Basicly, it got me to relize that things arn’t orderly or peaceful. They are barbaric and pure chaos. It’s like playing Mine Sweeper. One bad move, one unlucky click, and your dead.

I, RPF God Emperor Karakoran, prepose to all small and medium armies that we band together. And not let ourselves be squashed by the Top 5’s war machines like our comrades have. Put aside your differences, big or small, unite; lest we be the oil to feed the tank that is our “superiours”.



Okey, after a LONG time of working out the people that summited join comments, I have the ranks figured out. You can go to the ranks page right now to check up on them. In other news, we still need to get our hits up. Leave this page open on your computer. After about an hour it will freeze, but it gives us about 50 hits per a minute.  If you do the math that’s a lot.  I encourage all armies to participate and all RPF are ordered to do it.

But, besides that I don’t think much is really going on that you probably don’t know about.

I guess that just about settles every thing. But, if you want to make yourself better at tactics I have a game for you to play. It’s called Stick War . However, be warned. There is blood in the game.


Grounded: Unfortunatly, I have been grounded from my computer until Friday. Luckily I can still get on my iPod. I can’t post right though, so ya. Anyway, ranks will be delayed another day and will probably be finished at midnight today, unless I get tired. Also, before we recruit we must raise search status. To do that, we will use a program. PC Amitc87 for details. I’ll just rap up this post making a pirate sound. Arrrrrrrrrr